Thursday, January 19, 2012

Create an Heirloom...A Chinese Antique

While shopping in San Francisco just before Christmas
we saw a lovely antique Chinese cabinet and since every room could use a little "Chinoiserie" I decided to tackle this project

I took photos and
thought I might try to make my own
"Chinese Antique"
 Last week my husband reminded me of an old cabinet we had in the garage and said it might be something to make into our "heirloom"
I immediately began stripping the chipping paint off the 
old chest.

and ended up with this:

I painted the body with a very small brush and acrylic paints using raw umber, red, black and burnt umber mixed with water.  I taped off a section for the inset and painted it

When I pulled the tape off some of the paint came with it and
"voilà" my prefect method for distressing

After painting the insert I added some Chinese peonies
and black trim.  I also distressed the top of the chest
and the sides for authenticity and
I rubbed some bee's wax from this year's honey harvest onto the chest and then buffed it for a little glow.

This project was quite easy and didn't take much time at all!


  1. Wow - well done! It would be hard to tell which was the real antique, to my eyes.

  2. Wow, that is amazing! I never would have been brave enough to try that and you did such a GREAT job! It's beautiful! Way to tackle a challenging piece!

    Thank you SO much for linking up to my party!!

  3. Wow - I can't believe you did that! It looks fantastic!

  4. Wow! You're a great artist :)

    Thanks for stopping by, and for your lovely comment.


  5. This is remarkable! Sooo lovely and I have to agree with Pondside, good luck recognizing the real antique! Great job!!!!!

  6. Gorgeous! Following your blog, too! Thanks!

  7. It is so lovely. Thank you so much for sharing. What a beautiful space you have created my very first visit here I will follow on my way out so I know my path back here. Perhaps you will find the time to come visit me soon and do the same. I look forward to engaging more throughout the year and beyond. Take care. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  8. This turned out beautifully! Nicely done! Thanks so much for linking up!

  9. Nancy, that's fabulous! And happy Chinese New Year today...

  10. Oh wow! Great work on that chest - it looks fabulous!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  11. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing your lovely artwork at Potpourri Friday!

  12. Hi Nancy, gosh this is fabulous. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  13. Hermoso el mueble chino!
    Te felicito.
    Kiss Miriam

  14. I love the transformation! Beautifully done.

    Thanks for coming by my blog. It's a pleasure to find yours.


  15. You did a great job on your Chinese Antique cabinet! Don't you love that you already had it? no cost involved! yippeee!

  16. Awesome turnout! You did a beautiful job of Chinese antique. Love the poeny and the way you done it.
    Terrie from Hong Kong

  17. So, so lovely! Gave it a feature today!

  18. Great job. From old, to antic look.

    Thank you for comented on my blog. I love your tutorial. And i think i made some other purse in another colour :)

  19. I love it...the colors are great. I've just become your newest follow. Please come visit me at and maybe you'll follow back.

  20. I LOVE this! Great job! You've inspired me - I'm looking in the garage right now to find something to experiment on.

  21. Hi just wondering if you are keeping this blog up and running! It's a great blog!
    Caroline, NZ!!

    1. Hi Caroline,
      I'm so glad you like my blog! I haven't done much in the last year but plan to put a few more projects up soon.
      My mother died last year and that set me back for quite a while. More recently, my 88 year old uncle fell and broke his hip. We have been taking care of him for the last 7 weeks. Lots of trips to doctors and therapy!

      Do you have a blog?



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