I can't tell you what a feeling of accomplishment this is. I have read books and blogs
on how to make a slipcover for a wing chair but just never started. It's pretty scary
but once I started it went pretty quickly.
at upholstery but quickly changed my mind and opted to try a slipcover, instead.
When you have four cats who love to lounge on anything upholstered it makes more sense
to slip instead of permanent upholstery. The chair was poorly recovered in the pink/green floral which my husband quickly removed.
Since the fabric was dark I covered it in cheap muslin so it wouldn't
Since the fabric was dark I covered it in cheap muslin so it wouldn't
show through the slipcover.
Already the chair looks better.
I traveled to Singapore last month and was lucky to find some great, cheap fabrics there. This is a 60" wide white cotton with a linen texture to it. It was $4.10 a meter! Couldn't go wrong with this! I started making my slipcover by draping the fabric over the chair, pinning and cutting. Here you see the fold in the back which
Here is the back piece pinned to front pieces.
more fitting and pinning pieces.
After pinning most of the pieces I added the piping into the seams then basted them together with embroidery cotton. It really held the pieces together more securely than pins and gave me a good sewing guide.
more basting
basted gathers at the arm.
I sewed the main pieces together and made a muslin cushion cover
to hold the feathers I had to add to it.
I then made a made a ruffle and more piping to edge it with.
For the back I made burlap piping and burlap
covered buttons to match.

Actually, I tried to make burlap covered
buttons but they were too flimsy and it didn't work. I went to
my local upholsterer who made them for me for 50 cents apiece. Can't beat that!
The do-it-yourself buttons were $2.79 for THREE and they just collapsed when I
tried to cover them in burlap.

I couldn't be happier with how this turned out and how much I learned doing it.
My new Burlap "Paris" Pillow that I made looks pretty good on it!
Oliver can't wait to get on it! It's his favorite chair.