Monday, June 3, 2024

Life in Lockdown

During the pandemic we were required to live in a government supplied hotel when we entered New Zealand.  Our home there (were we live 1/2 the year) is on the North Island but we were sent to Christchurch (South Island) for 10 days. During this time I did a Louise De Masi tutorial of this giraffe for our granddaughter, Helen. It hangs in her bedroom.

Learning Watercolor!

Nothing like a pandemic to get you started on a new hobby! My sister-in-law
gave my husband some watercolors.  He was busy building our new beach house
so I tried them and loved it.  Been learning so much from YouTube, Patreon and Skillshare.  This one is from Anna Bucciarelli.  Hope you like it!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Create an Heirloom...A Chinese Antique

While shopping in San Francisco just before Christmas
we saw a lovely antique Chinese cabinet and since every room could use a little "Chinoiserie" I decided to tackle this project

I took photos and
thought I might try to make my own
"Chinese Antique"
 Last week my husband reminded me of an old cabinet we had in the garage and said it might be something to make into our "heirloom"
I immediately began stripping the chipping paint off the 
old chest.

and ended up with this:

I painted the body with a very small brush and acrylic paints using raw umber, red, black and burnt umber mixed with water.  I taped off a section for the inset and painted it

When I pulled the tape off some of the paint came with it and
"voilà" my prefect method for distressing

After painting the insert I added some Chinese peonies
and black trim.  I also distressed the top of the chest
and the sides for authenticity and
I rubbed some bee's wax from this year's honey harvest onto the chest and then buffed it for a little glow.

This project was quite easy and didn't take much time at all!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Aotea (Great Barrier Island) New Zealand


This is Maori for New Zealand or (Land of the Long White Cloud)


This is Maori for Great Barrier Island  (or Island of the White Cloud) which is off the coast of Auckland

Awana Bay

A most beautiful bay on Great Barrier Island.  We are fortunate to have a 
summer home here. Here is a view from across the bay. Our home is just to the right of the rock peak in this photo about 1/3 of the way down, just left of a group of other homes.  We cannot see another home from here!

Our thoughts are with all of the people who suffered in the recent 
earthquake in Christchurch, South Island and wish them strength as they rebuild their lives.



Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Maori Basket Weaving

Handmade Flax Laundry Basket

…while in Rome…!!!!  While on our annual vacation to New Zealand (my husband is a Kiwi, after all!) we saw a nice basket and decided to try our hand at basket weaving.  We viewed some Maori (indingenious people of NZ) techniques at the New Zealand National Library website and away we went!  Michael couldn’t wait and made a small basket mostly by himself for our kumara (New Zealand potatoes) and garlic and such.  It turned out pretty well, so yesterday we harvested some native flax from the driveway to make a laundry basket.

This is a native flax plant in our driveway

Material used:
20 flax leaves
Scissors for splitting the leaves

We started by making a base of 20 leaves that crisscrossed

Then we made four corners

Corners as seen from the top

Corner as seen from outside

All that’s left to do is weave the sides,

 finish the top and make braided handles!

This basket will dry to a nice tan color.  We learned a lot and can’t wait to try some other patterns and sizes.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day

...from our little hideaway in New Zealand
(where it's full on summer!)

View of Awana beach  (Great Barrier Island,  New Zealand) from our deck.


Monday, January 17, 2011

The Art of Gwynne Reid

It's an absolutely beautiful morning here in California. It's one of those days where it could be spring, it could be fall but it's the dead of winter.  I will enjoy it while it lasts!


My husband's family is very artistic.  Today I will introduce you to his 
daughter, Gwynne.  She is a very talented artist and her
artwork adorns our home.

We recently framed two of Gwynne's newest pieces that go well in our "French" style living
room.  I love Paris but don't normally care for Eiffel Tower pictures, statues or paintings but this is an exception.  It's just so whimsical I fell in love with it.

Gwynne brought this painting over while we were having a party.  A bidding war ensued and I won!  I also love the French style whimsy of this painting.

Gwynne was quite young when she painted this.  It's perfect in our dining room.

What a fun "chess board."  We also have an abstract black and white checker board of hers.

This sunflower is my drawing.  I did it about 15 years ago when I sketched non-stop for about 6 months.  I really would like to find time to draw again and perhaps learn to paint, too.

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